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A person carrying water in jerry-cans on a mountain
12. November 2020

A Story of Faith for Water

Bero village sits in contrasting landscapes of rugged hills and wide terraces, surrounded by steep escarpments in Minjar Shenkora District. Tin roofed houses follow patched plots of farmland that is hungry for the rainy season- ready to grow yet anothe...
Members of the community in Keta Shekeno Locality, Siraro District, Ethiopia. Photo: Hilina Abebe/NCA.
11. November 2020

A Community in Siraro Effects Change on Female Genital Mutilation

- In Siraro District, Oromia Region in Ethiopia, adolescent girls and women undergo Female Genital Mutilation a few days before their wedding ceremony takes place. The practice is considered a rite of passage into womanhood and a pre-requisite for marr...
mennesker som står og diskuterer
11. November 2020

- All we need in this village is safe and clean drinking water!

- We have not had clean or adequate water, nor did our animals. As you might have seen on your way down here, our village is productive. We have everything, except clean water.