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Together for a just world

Norwegian Church Aid works with people and organisations around the world in their struggle to eradicate poverty and injustice. We help those whose needs are greatest, regardless of ethnicity, creed, political or religious affiliation.

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person Your gift can give person lasting access to clean water every month

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Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)

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Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad)

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Directorate-General International Partnerships (DG-INTPA)

Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO)

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mennesker som jobber på et sykehus

Transforming Maternal and Newborn Health: The Safer Births Bundle of Care

Every year, approximately 300,000 women die from pregnancy and birth-related causes, and 1 million newborns do not survive their first month. The innovative Safer Births Bundle of Care Programme at Haydom…

Information about potential Fraud Case at NCA

NCA Head Office has discovered a possible corruption case at one of our country offices. An external review was conducted and delivered to Norwegian Church Aid on January 22, 2025.

Gaza i ruiner

Collective NGO Statement on Israel-Hamas Ceasefire

We welcome the announcement of a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, marking a first step towards reducing the overwhelming suffering caused by 15 months of brutal conflict.

Your efforts matter

Our projects change the lives of millions of people worldwide every year. Here's just a glimpse of our achievements in 2023:

920 000

people gained access to clean water.

441 000

gained access to sanitation services.

132 000

woman and young people gained information and access to reproductive health services


conflicts were addressed as part of our peace programme. 

Country and issues we work on

Norwegian Church Aid operates in over 30 countries, providing emergency relief,
long-term development work, and political advocacy. We work on various
programs and themes, including gender-based violence, climate justice,
peacebuilding, and water, sanitation, and hygiene - aiming to create a more just