Details on NCA agreements with Norad
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) has a five-year Cooperation Agreement with Norad.
The Cooperation Agreement
This agreement commits Norad to fund NCA’s long-term development programmes. Over the five-year period (01 Jan 2020 - 31 Dec 2024), Norad has committed NOK 1.7 billion to fund these programmes.
The Cooperation Agreement is comprised of three grant modules:
- A global civil society grant entitled Leveraging Faith Towards Inclusive and Just Societies which consists of six thematic programmes (Gender-based Violence, Climate Resilient WASH, Peacebuilding; Climate Smart Economic Empowerment; Faith-based Climate Action and Fighting Inequality). It is implemented in 17 countries and includes two regional programmes, one global programme, and global projects.
- Two Minorities of Faith and Belief grants implemented in three countries
- Regional grants implemented in eight countries
As of July 2023, ten addenda to the Cooperation Agreement have been awarded since 2020. These have a shorter timeframe than the cooperation agreement.
The latest addendum (12) is from the Nansen Support Programme for Ukraine, allocation towards food security in southern countries affected by the war.
Stand alone agreements with Norad
In addition to the 2020-2024 Cooperation Agreement, NCA has three stand-alone agreements with Norad:
- Tanzania: Haydom Lutheran Hospital; 2019-2022; TAN-19/0002; committing NOK 53 million
- Tanzania: Haydom Lutheran Hospital; 2023-2024; TAN-23/0001; committing NOK 28 million
- Ethiopia: Ethiopia Interfaith Initiative 4 Forest Conservation & Climate Action; 2021-2025; ETH-21/00006 (NICFI); committing NOK 40 million
- Norway: Information support (QZA-21/0119), 2021-2025; committing NOK 13.5 million
Other Norad grants
NCA is also sub-recipient of grants awarded from Norad to other Norwegian NGOs. These include:
- South Sudan: Together for Inclusion (TOFI); 2019-2022. Lead: ATLAS Alliance (GLO-3728 RAF 19/0044)
- DRC: Sustainable agriculture and improved protection of rainforests in DRC (NICFI); 2021-2025. Lead: Caritas (QZA-21/0038)
- Ethiopia: Financial Inclusion and Market Integration for Informal Producers; 2021-2025. Lead: AMAS (RAF-3088 ETH-21/0003