ProTECHtion: Digitally Powered Community Protection
NCA has now reached a collaboration agreement with Octree for the development of a participation platform for communities affected by conflict.
Conclusions of Co-creation workshops (May 2024)
Call for proposals for private partners (call for proposals closed)
Learn more about the place where we will pilot our innovation
The ProTECHtion project
Norwegian Church Aid, with the support of Innovation Norway, is working on the design of a digital “meeting place” for communities at risk of violence to talk safely about needs, priorities, and aspirations.
With the aim to give a stronger voice to conflict-affected communities, this will be done through a co-design process including private actors in the Tech sector and representatives of the targeted communities.
NCA will contribute to this process with its expertise in humanitarian response, community consultations and conflict management. Additionally, NCA will contribute to the development by piloting the solution in on of its interventions in Pemba, Tanzania.
After the pilot is completed, and data about lessons learned is gathered and analyzed, NCA will promote the tool internally and among like-minded organizations.
This concept is the emanation of NCA’s collaboration, since 2021, with its pro-bono partner SEMCON, and the participation of an advisory board of 6 professionals from (IKT Norge, Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium, NUPI, Codex Advokat and Microsoft) to explore the potential of digital technologies to contribute to NCA’s work on social cohesion. In this framework, NCA has organized consultation sessions in 2021, 2022 and 2023 with participation of field staff from Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Mali and Palestine.
They have shaped this project with their understanding of local challenges and opportunities.
Do you have any questions? We have answered some of them here.

Contact us
Fernando Pineda