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Country Programme Brief 2020-2024

Norwegian Church Aid is an ecumenical, non-profit organization working with people for the betterment of lives and livelihoods. It is a member of the Action by Churches Together (ACT) Alliance, a global alliance of more than 130 member organizations working together to create positive and sustainable change.

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In Ethiopia, Norwegian Church Aid has been operating since 1974, engaged in long-term development and humanitarian emergency response.

Our Vision

Norwegian Church Aid Ethiopia envisions empowered and resilient communities living in peace and dignity in the country.

Our Mission

We seek to empower communities, where rights-holders access services and claim their rights.

Thematic Focus

Norwegian Church Aid’s current strategic period 2020-2024, focuses on four global programmatic priorities: Climate-Resilient Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (CR WASH); Faith-Based Climate Action; Gender-Based Violence/Sexual Reproductive Health (GBV/SRH); and Peacebuilding. In addition, Norwegian Church Aid will continue to respond to humanitarian emergencies in Ethiopia.