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Venue for self-care for NCA Iraq staff

Contracting Authority: Norwegian Church Aid Deadline for submission of offer: 17 January 2024


NCA is launching an Open Tender and invites interested suppliers/candidates to participate in the procurement procedure for the relevant lots:

Renting venue with Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and training hall in an open area

  1. All the requirements are for NCA Iraq staff self-care.
  2. The offered prices shall be quoted in USD.
  3. All offers, in English language only, must be delivered to the office mentioned below by 17.01.2024-16:00. Late bids will be rejected. Applicants with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing by email up to 15th of January 2024.
  4. The venue should be an open area far from city center with capacity to cover around 35 person and have enough space for different type of activities.
  5. Tender documents will be available from 10th January 2024 Interested tenderers may obtain the Tender Dossier in English/Arabic at no cost from the Contracting Authority mentioned below.

Norwegian Church Aid

46st Diyari Lane 45/526 , KRO road , Duhok, Iraq


NCA Procurement Department

Email: nca-iraq-procurement@nca.no