
Our work in Haiti focuses on two topics: Climate Resilient Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; and Climate Smart Economic Empowerment.

Haiti is the poorest country in the Americas, with more than half of the population living below the poverty line. The country has a long history of political instability, and since 2017 it has experienced disruption from protests against corruption, lack of public services and rising costs of living.  The Haitian government has failed to meet Haitians’ basic needs of, respond to ongoing crises, and address human rights deficits in the country. Increased violence and state regulations have resulted in a shrinking space for civil society. Due to its location, Haiti is vulnerable to climate change and at high risk of natural disasters. Droughts and intense hurricanes are increasingly frequent and have a negative impact on food security. In 2016, Hurricane Matthew led to hundreds of deaths and destroyed some parts of southern Haiti.

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Who we are

NCA established humanitarian and development programmes in Haiti in 1987. In 2017, NCA established a joint country programme (JCP) with the Lutheran World Federation and Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe. NCA/JCP implements programmes in Haiti in partnership with civil society, including faith-based organisations, as they have a high level of legitimacy in the community and outreach to the most vulnerable populations.  For NCA, partnering with and strengthening civil society is also vital to ensuring sustainable development in Haiti.


What we do

Together with its partners, NCA/JCP implements long-term development and humanitarian programmes in:

  • Climate Smart Economic Empowerment (CSEE)
  • Climate Resilient Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (CRWASH)

Humanitarian Response

In Haiti, NCA/JCP responds to the disaster-affected populations and remote communities in need after Hurricane Matthew. The pillar for response is CRWASH, improving hygiene, sanitation and safe water access in a way that considers gender-specific needs and protection.

Long-term Development

In Haiti, NCA/JCP contributes to creating communities which are resilient to climate change and whose members are healthy, can provide for themselves and their families, and are safer from natural disasters. NCA and partners do this by providing climate-resilient WASH services, with a focus on schools, along with climate-smart economic empowerment activities.

Where we work

NCA in Haiti implements programmes mainly in the Big South area of the country, particularly in Grand’Anse as well as in the mountains near Port-au-Prince. Interventions target women and children exposed to waterborne diseases and who are vulnerable to climatic shocks. They also target small farmers and animal breeders, community-based organisations, local authorities, civil society organisations and faith-based actors.

Important documents


  • FNGA
  • SCH
  • RSFP