Social Media
Meet Norwegian Church Aid in social media

The internet is making the world smaller and the amount of information is increasing. Every week there are new channels and interfaces, and people have more and more ways to stay in touch with their loved ones.
Norwegian Church Aid is part of this world, and we face the same choices.
We used to send a magazine in the post to our donors, and we reported on Dagsrevyen or in the newspaper from relief work far away. We reported; people listened. In the field, the dynamics were strikingly similar: We saw needs and intervened. People were grateful.
Today, the situation is different. Norwegian Church Aid no longer builds wells. We help people who want to build wells themselves. This is done in dialogue with local communities around the world. The same goes for our communication, which is based on dialogue with our stakeholders and donors.
We encourage you to join the conversation, whichever channel you prefer. You can find us under the hashtag #kirkensnodhjelp.
…And by the way: Despite all the new media channels, we don't forget where it all started. And neither do our donors. Because of their continued interest, we produce the Norwegian Church Aid magazine and send it free of charge by post to 55,000 Norwegians, five times a year.
If you would like to receive our magazine, send an e-mail to Or read the articles here.
We encourage you to join the conversation! Here you will find information about Norwegian Church Aid:
Our website will always provide the right information about what we do. Here it is possible to make a donation to our work or participate in petitions. Those who prefer to participate in campaigns by SMS can join our SMS network.
On Facebook, we showcase our results and give our followers the opportunity to participate in or support our work for a fairer world! By connecting donors, activists and people in developing countries, we create an arena for dialogue across borders. You can follow us at
På Twitter sier vi tydelig fra hvor vi mener skapet skal stå. Her publiserer vi kommentarer til aktuelle saker og sprer våre presseklipp slik at de med makt og ansvar skal vite hva slags beslutninger som bør tas for å bekjempe fattigdom. Fattigdommen er menneskeskapt. Og de som står bak, er på Twitter.
I tillegg til vår egen Twitter-konto har flere av våre ansatte egne konti, og har spennende ting å melde!
On Instagram, we meet an endless number of committed supporters, both in Norway and elsewhere in the world, who are making an effort for a fairer world! We use Instagram to share, like, thank and comment on the photos and videos of our committed volunteers, as well as giving them a glimpse behind the scenes at one of Norway's largest aid organisations.
On YouTube, we regularly publish short video clips from our work, be it in emergency situations, from long-term aid projects, or from decision-making campaigns. We share these videos on Facebook and on our website.