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Request for Proposal 2022-009

New Closing Date: 01.02.2023 at 4 PM. Norwegian Church Aid invites you to submit a proposal for therapeutic virtual reality experience (software and hardware) for survivors of gender-based violence.

Norwegian Church Aid invites you to submit a proposal for Therapeutic Virtual Reality for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence (GBV). The Request for Proposals (RFP) is attached here. To download the Word version of the RFP so you can fill it in, click here.

Date of issue: 06.01.2023

RFP no.: 2022-009

Contract title: Therapeutic virtual reality for GBV survivors

Closing date: New Closing Date: 01.02.2023 at 4 PM

Contracting authority: Norwegian Church Aid

Contact person: John Drollinger, john.drollinger@nca.no

All communication regarding this opportunity is to be directed to the above e-mail address with the following reference in the subject field: “Ref nr. 2022-009.

We would be grateful if you would inform us by email of your intention to submit a proposal or not.