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Request for Information - Content Management System (CMS)

RFI no.: 2023-045. Contracting Authority: Norwegian Church Aid.

Date of issue: 15.08.2023 

RFI no.: 2023-045

Contract title: Content Management System(CMS)

Closing date:  04.09.2023

Contracting Authority:Norwegian Church Aid Postboks 7100, St. Olavs plass, 0130 Oslo

Contact persons:
Oda Thune@nca.no or Alexandra.Tsiolas@nca.no

Email quotations: procurement@nca.no 

Communication regarding this opportunity is to be directed to the above e-mail addresses with the following reference in the subject field:
“RFI nr. 2023-045 ”.

Published: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 9:47:36 AM