Dagfinn Høybråten Appointed New General Secretary of Norwegian Church Aid
The Board of Norwegian Church Aid is happy to announce the appointment of Dagfinn Høybråten (60) as the new General Secretary. “This continues the engagement I have had in my life with the fight against poverty, for human value and responsible management of God’s creation,” says Høybråten.

He is looking forward to using his experience to serve NCA. “I have long known of NCA as a strong advocate for the poor. I am proud to be able to contribute to NCA’s important work in saving lives and fighting injustice,” says Høybråten.
“Civil society holds important keys to development. With its competence and its foundation in the world’s churches, NCA is a prominent actor in humanitarian aid and development. I am looking forward to working with NCA’s skilled employees in leading the organisation during a time that calls for considerable adaption and flexibility,” says NCA’s new General Secretary.
Dagfinn Høybråten is currently General Secretary of the Nordic Council of Ministers. He has considerable experience from both the Norwegian Parliament and as a member of the Government. He has been Minister of Health, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Vice President of the Parliament and member of the Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs. He is leading Norway’s Commission for Truth and Reconciliation, which investigates how Sami and Kven people have been treated by Norwegian authorities.
Høybråten has a lifelong involvement with the church and knows the development sector well, for example through his several years as Chairman for Gavi.
“His leadership experience is comprehensive, and he has excellent references. In addition, his network of contacts is unique both nationally and internationally,” says Kjetil Aano, Chairman of the NCA Board.
“Dagfinn Høybråten is an approachable and visionary leader. We are convinced that he will be a good leader for NCA in the coming years, and that he will contribute to strengthening NCA’s position and reputation as a diaconal development aid organisation,” says Aano.
Høybråten will start his new position on the 1st of April, 2019.
NCA Press contact: Hege Kristin Ulvin, Interim Director of Communications
Tel: +47 971 72 650
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