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6. October 2021

We need vaccine justice

NCA is engaged in advocacy towards vaccine equity, both in Norway and on a global level together with the ACT Alliance.
6. October 2021

Waste can become a treasure when managed properly

NCA Ethiopia facilitated World Clean-up Day together, with its partners, joining the other 180 countries that are part of the biggest global civic movment for a cleaner planet.
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6. October 2021

NCA Ethiopia at the Launch of the Development Learning Lab

NCA Ethiopia is collaborating with learning institutions to strenghten evidence-based programming, and the cooperation is being defined as a "gold standard" in the industry.
14. September 2021

Norway votes

The Norwegian Parliamentary Election just took place. The choice that Norwegians will make means a lot - both in Norway and around the world.
6. September 2021

The city that refuses to give up

For the second time, Gumuruk in South Sudan is almost leveled after brutal attacks. With help from NCA, the city rises again. - We neither can nor will fail the hard-hit population, says country manager Kari Øyen.
6. September 2021

A wastewater oasis

NCA has been responsible for the water at the Hassa Hissa Camp since 2019. Today nine tanks provide water for 56,000 internally displaced people and, thanks to clever irrigation, a flourishing oasis.
6. September 2021

Teachers Capacity Building Training by NCA Somalia

From May until July, NCA Somalia has been working to strenghten the capacity of teachers in the Gedo region, Jubaland State.
6. September 2021

Rebuilding after the storm

In the Tuneybah Camp, which has become a safe haven for refugees from war-torn Tigray, NCA is helping to rebuild after toilets, showers and tents were destroyed by rain and wind.
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6. September 2021

A forgotten country in crisis

Eleven years after one of the deadliest earthquake disasters of all time, Haiti has still failed to rise. On Saturday, August 14th, another another strong earthquake hit Haiti, and NCA and partners are now mapping the damage to see how we can best resp...
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30. August 2021

The Minister for Development Aid visits Norwegian Church Aid in Sudan

On Friday August 21st, Norway`s Minister for International Development Dag-Inge Ulstein visited a trauma center in Khartoum to meet with local staff and learn about a new exciting project.
11. August 2021

"Drought is about to become the next pandemic, and there is no vaccine that can cure it"

The UN warns that drought will cause as much damage as COVID-19. NCA`s work and photos are featured in an important article published in the Norwegian newspaper VG.
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3. August 2021

One year after the explosion in Lebanon: The needs are greater than ever

One year after the explosion in Beirut, the situation is still critical. Half of the population lives in poverty. NCA is there providing vital emergency aid for people in need.