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19. January 2022

"Inequality kills"

The new Oxfam Report "Inequality Kills" describes how inequality in the world has accelerated enormously during the pandemic the last two years. NCA believes the report should be a wake-up call for all politicians.
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14. December 2021

NCA & the World Food Programme

The Nobel Peace Prize has over the past two years highlighted two important issues that NCA works with every single day: hunger, and the freedom of expression.
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14. December 2021

Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in Emergency

NCA South Sudan has kicked-off the first Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) pilot project ever in Country Office in Gumuruk. The project is integrated with Emergency WASH and GBV projects as an approach to provide Hygiene and dignity items to conflict a...
26. November 2021

We need to talk about menstruation and toilets

Access to safe toilets and Menstrual Hygiene Management is fundamental to education, economy, health and human rights. It is crucial to uphold human dignity. We need to address that 1,7 billion people don´t have access to a safe toilet, and that millio...
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19. November 2021

1.7 billion

Not having access to a safe & hygienic toilet increases the risk of disease, abuse and creates major challenges for girls and women who are menstruating.
19. November 2021

The road from Glasgow

An important milestone has been reached, but what happens on the way forward from Glasgow will determine whether the world achieves its goals of limiting global warming.
8. November 2021

​Working to end GBV in a new way

South Sudan is the first Country Office to pilot NCA`s new Faith Actors Motivating Empowerment ("FAME") Toolkit! Learn more about this important new resource here.
8. November 2021

Climate change hits some so much harder.

As the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) tok place last week, Changemaker`s new leader Naja Møretrø is in Glasgow to help challenge rich countries to step up and play their part.
27. October 2021

Narrowing the Dignity Kit Gap

Due to a myriad of socio-economic factors, women and girls face significant barriers to managing their periods safely, but NCA is helping bridge that gap in Somalia and SNNP Regions.
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25. October 2021

A New Partnership on Urban Agriculture in Ethiopia

Norwegian Church Aid Ethiopia, Alliance Micro-finance (AMAS), Bakken & Bæck (BB), and East African Group (EAG) kicked off this week a joint project that enables small-holder farmers to engage in urban agriculture in Ethiopia.
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25. October 2021

A change of pace for a Sustainable NCA

On 24 September, NCA signed the Climate and Environment Charter for humanitarian organisations, joining a rapidly growing list of humanitarian organisations from all over the world in doing so.
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6. October 2021

NCA's three demands for the new Norwegian Government

It is less than nine years until the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainability Goals must be met. We are now in what must be the decade of action!