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A man with a bag hanging from the roof in the background
22. November 2022

Rising in Sudan: Leading the Nexus from Humanitarian Aid to Recovery and Resilience

​Meet Ahmed Zakaria, 56 years old, the father of seventeen children from Urikum village, Zalingei Central Darfur. Zakria is a farmer who grows vegetables on a smallholding; he could not yield enough with the traditional manual irrigation system used, i...
16. November 2022

NCA`s New Head of Communications & Politics Department

Former State Secretary in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Aksel Jakobsen (47) has been appointed as the new Head of Communications and Politics Department at Norwegian Church Aid.
område for å sikre vann sudan
14. November 2022

In Sudan: NCA mentoring the committees to demand rights and meet communities' needs

Shibab Village Committee provides a forum where community members may disseminate important messages and address critical issues, such as sanitation, health, and savings. Collectively, members of the club come up with action plans and provide local sol...
vannprosjekt i en camp for internt fordrevne mennesker i Sudan
4. November 2022

Sudan: NCA and USAID, together transitioning from humanitarian assistance to community ownership

In Sudan, NCA has mentored and facilitated CR-WASH Committees with the aim of handing over hygiene-sanitation facilities and services to an Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camp.
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4. November 2022

Working against harmful practices

Last week, NCA & Save the Children held the first physical meeting in Garowe, Somalia since 2018. The meeting brought together teams from Sudan, Ethiopia, Norway and Somalia.
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4. November 2022

​Will provide psychosocial first aid to survivors of GBV

Women are 48% of Pakistan's population, but they are behind their male peers in almost every walk of life. On World Economic Forum's Global Gender Parity Index Pakistan is second worst country for the women and is ranked at 145. Gender Based & Domestic...
4. November 2022

Improving his income through plastic waste collection

​Fikru Alemu, a resident of Arsi Negele, Ethiopia is a 35-year-old father of three. He is among the 20 members of a plastic and paper waste collection association called "Faayan Faya" (1) established in 2021 through NCA Ethiopia and its local partner T...
1. November 2022

Beirut- On the verge of collapse

More than half of Beirut's population now lives below the poverty line. After the explosion, many are homeless, and the food shortage is huge. NCA works hard every day to meet major humanitarian needs
28. October 2022

It's a full crisis. But we cannot give up on Haiti

Like many others, I have had a holiday now, some abroad and some in Norway. Then I could put the work tasks down. But the concern for my colleagues in Haiti was difficult to put aside.
18. October 2022

Hope in a drop of water: The Urgency in Averting A Global Water Crisis

New report by Norwegian Church Aid celebrating our 75th Jubilee.
18. October 2022

It's a full crisis. But we cannot give up on Haiti

Like many others, I have had a holiday now, some abroad and some in Norway. Then I could put the work tasks down. But the concern for my colleagues in Haiti was difficult to put aside.
18. October 2022

The floods in Pakistan

​This year, a heavy spell of monsoon rains in Pakistan has brought 87% times heavier than the average downpour.