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Water station funded by NCA in Sudan
13. January 2023

Water- A prerequisite for development

In Sudan, NCA WASH services increases the access to education and health services, especially for women and children.
6. December 2022

NCA`s New Head of Communications & Politics Department

Former State Secretary in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Aksel Jakobsen (47) has been appointed as the new Head of Communications and Politics Department at Norwegian Church Aid.
29. November 2022

Rape is a weapon of war

Rape is used as a weapon in wars all over the World, but the perpetrators are rarely sanctioned.
29. November 2022

Beirut- On the verge of collapse

More than half of Beirut's population now lives below the poverty line. After the explosion, many are homeless, and the food shortage is huge. NCA works hard every day to meet major humanitarian needs
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29. November 2022

Food shortage and political chaos in Haiti

42 percent of Haiti's population is at risk of starvation, according to the UN. At the same time, the violent riots and the political chaos in the country is increasing.
Høyere oppløsning, Vannstasjon, i region Est i Burkina Faso.JPG
29. November 2022

Norway’s new strategy for the Sahel: concrete support for local actors is crucial to success

The Government of Norway has launched a new strategy for the Sahel region where deteriorating conditions are exacerbated by weak governance. It is crucial to focus on strengthening communities at a local level, according to Norwegian Church Aid.
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25. November 2022

Food shortage and political chaos in Haiti

42 percent of Haiti's population is at risk of starvation, according to the UN. At the same time, the violent riots and the political chaos in the country is increasing.
Høyere oppløsning, Vannstasjon, i region Est i Burkina Faso.JPG
25. November 2022

Norway’s new strategy for the Sahel: concrete support for local actors is crucial to success

The Government of Norway has launched a new strategy for the Sahel region where deteriorating conditions are exacerbated by weak governance. It is crucial to focus on strengthening communities at a local level, according to Norwegian Church Aid.
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25. November 2022

One year after the explosion in Lebanon: The needs are greater than ever

One year after the explosion in Beirut, the situation is still critical. Half of the population lives in poverty. NCA is there providing vital emergency aid for people in need.
25. November 2022

Major floods in Malawi

NCA is already on the ground handing out tents to those that lost family members, houses and crops after storm Ana hit Malawi on Monday last week.
Sudan: NCA, Royal Norwegian Embassy, and Partners, together assessing Child & Early Forced Marriage for a just world.
22. November 2022

Working to change damaging social norms and cultural practices

NCA Sudan was pleased to host the Norwegian Ambassador to Sudan, Therese Løken Gheziel. NCA and partners presented a joint program's Baseline Assessment of Social Norms related to Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting and Child & Early Forced Marriage (FGM...
A women stnading with green background
22. November 2022

Combating food insecurity in a new way in Sudan

"My twin children will find me healthy and well-fed now that I have all the vegetables and enough money to buy milk."