
Our work in Malawi focuses on three topics: Climate Smart Economic Empowerment; Gender-Based Violence; and Figthing Inequality.

According to the Global Peace Index 2019, Malawi is the third most peaceful country in Africa. Since independence in 1964, it has had stable governments, and since 1993, multi-party presidential and parliamentary elections. Although peaceful, Malawi remains an extremely poor country with systematic inequality and exclusion. The country faces challenges with a significant debt burden, corruption in public institutions and vulnerability to climate change. In 2018, the parliament passed a law in favour of the government, challenging the independence of civil society organisations. Malawi is ranked as one of the world’s worst countries in terms of gender equality, and roughly one-in-three women experience physical or sexual violence. The country faces resistance to promoting zero tolerance of all forms of gender-based violence and accepting women’s sexual reproductive health rights.


Who we are

Starting from January 2021, Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) and Dan Church Aid (DCA) in Malawi joined forces to create a Joint Country Programme (JCP). The JCP strategy is an opportunity for both NCA and DCA to maximise the potential of our combined capacities and resources to further the rights of those in Malawi who are poor and marginalised. The new Joint Country Strategy rests firmly on the International strategies of both NCA and DCA, joint years of programming in Malawi, evaluation reflections of both country programmes, and thorough discussions in the strategy process. JCP Malawi is guided by the following vision: 'A just, accountable and inclusive Malawian society'.


What we do

NCA DCA JCP Malawi will continue to strengthen civil society actors and spaces to contribute to an equal, respectful, and inclusive society that allows women, men, girls and boys to live healthy, dignified lives and to claim their rights. Together with Malawian civil society organisations and other partners, the Joint Country Strategy 2021-2024 addresses the following long-term development programmes:

· Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

· Fighting Inequality (FI)

· Climate Smart Economic Empowerment (CSEE)

Humanitarian Response

JCP Malawi humanitarian work comprises of an increased capacity to respond to humanitarian crises with high quality services to save lives, alleviate suffering and protect human dignity. There is an opportunity for growth in local resilience and bridging the gap in the humanitarian-development nexus through emergency preparedness and response planning. This ensures appropriate, timely, effective, and coordinated response to crises when they occur.

Long-term Development

JCP Malawi enables people to climb out of poverty and build community resilience by tackling the issues of inequality, lack of employment opportunities and gender-based violence.

Where we work

NCA implements its programmes in nine districts in Malawi: Ntcheu, Nsanje, Karonga, Neno, Dowa, Mchinji, Ntchisi, Thyolo and Mangochi. Interventions target civil society actors, including faith-based actors, to address the inequalities that underpin the challenges faced by women, girls and youth in local communities in Malawi.


NCA Malawi 30793 Lilongwe 3 MALAWI
Tel: +265 1 759 511, +265 1 759 512

Important documents


  • Anglican Council of Malawi (ACM)
  • Assemblies of God Care (AG CARE)
  • Blantyre Synod Health Department (BSHD)
  • Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP)
  • Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM)
  • Churches Action in Relief and Development (CARD)
  • Dedza Catholic Health Commission (CHC)
  • Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM)
  • Foundation for Civic Education & Social Empowerment (FOCESE)
  • Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR)
  • Livingstonia Synod Health Department (LSHD)
  • Luntha Television
  • Malawi Economic Justice Network (MEJN)
  • Malawi Girl Guides Association (MAGGA)
  • Malawi Human Rights Resource Centre (MHRRC)
  • Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
  • Total Land Care (TLC)
  • Trustees of Agricultural Promotion Programme (TAPP)
  • Small Producers Development and Transporters Association (SPRODETA)
  • Women Legal Resources Centre (WOLREC)