Facilitating Impactful Men’s Dialogue Groups
Disclosures of Violence

Disclosures of Violence

menshkinghands-2.jpgDisclosures of Violence

Based on learnings from other programs that engage men in a transformational change process, it is common for participants to share (disclose) having either witnessed, used, or survived violence.

Participants in these groups have fled conflict, instability, and violence. It is possible that some of the participants perpetrated violence in some way in the past. 

Facilitators should be prepared to manage disclosures of violence in the safest most accountable way possible.

Considerations for Safety and Responding to Disclosures of Violence:
It is important that the facilitator creates a ‘brave’ space for participants. 

A brave space is a space where participants are encouraged to name and discuss feelings, challenges and to try new things without judgement. 

The facilitator should make it clear that what is said in the group should not be talked or gossiped about outside of the group. 

The Facilitator should also be very clear with participants about the approach this intervention takes to disclosures of violence. 

There are 3 types of disclosures facilitators should be prepared to manage

Types of disclosures
  1. Violence participants have witnessed at some point in their lives

  2. Violence participants have experienced themselves

  3. Violence that participants have perpetrated against someone else

Facilitators should be prepared to manage disclosures of violence in the safest most accountable way possible.  

This is especially true with disclosures of recent violence participants have either used against an intimate partner, child or experienced themselves.

The diagram below outlines recommended responses to disclosures of violence. However, this should be reviewed and adapted to context and ensure it is close to best practice as possible.

Consultation of women and Girls
It is critical that women and girls in the community are consulted about how to manage disclosures by men using physical, emotional, or sexual abuse against their partner (IPV). 

In general women and girls should be consulted about how organisations are planning, and more specifically mandated by in country law, to handle disclosures of violence.