Award Notice PR-KBL-24-139

Contracting Authority: NCA

Procurement of Production and Delivery of Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks to Chahak village of Injil District of Herat Province.

  1. Reference


  1. Publication date of the Tender Notice

May 23, 2024

  1. Lot number and lot title

1 lots.

  1. Contract value

Details given below.

  1. Date of award of the Contract

July 11, 2024

  1. Number of offers received

16 Tenders

  1. Name and country of Successful contractor



Amount in USD

Country of Origin

Procurement of Production and Delivery of Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks to Chahak village of Injil District of Herat Province

Base Consultant and Research Corporation                                                                      

10,423,920 AFN for 868,660 brick blocks and 12 AFN per brick block.
